April 25 1974 Fresta
Portugal shouts Freedom on April 25, 1974.
We must always celebrate and keep the ideas alive
of April so that they are never extinguished.
Freedom always deserves our vigilance
April 25 1974 Fresta
Since then, we welcome everyone to visit our stand, have a talk about art and culture an spread news, like newspapers. By reading our content, you’re supporting us and our artists and keep updated. By purchasing our artists’ work, you’re supporting us to continue creating content and talk about art and culture.
Our story started in 2021 as a catalog editorial project, where we collaborated with the JOIA Platform and launched three editions. The project was led by Julia da Costa and Vital Lordelo, who are both visual artists and founders of JOIA (2019-2023). In 2024, we transformed into a newsstand, and since then, our focus has been solely led by Vital Lordelo.
JOIN US! Explore the graphic art and illustration world in our welcoming and relaxed space at FRESTA Visual Culture Unfold. We’re a relaxed and accessible space where you can explore the amazing world of graphic artists and illustrators. Join us at FRESTA Visual Culture Unfold.